Energy transformation only in Europe according to a recent McKinsey study will require 1 trillion-euro investments every year. These investments do not pay back even as carbon prices go up

  • 1 kW of solar need 1-2 Kw of backup gas fired generation and grid capacity.
  • Low interest from government sight can increase the cost of renewable energy in 2 or 3 times.
  • Energy transformation is affordable only by rich nations and contribute to increase in energy poverty.
  • A subsidy to renewable energy means that resources are diverted from some other critical needs of the society.
  • High capital expenditure means high carbon emissions at construction phase.


The Platform of Platforms to Eliminate Energy Poverty & Enable Microgrid Resiliency Utilizing Sustainable Resources


A sustainable model should create - not destruct value. The current power grid is not designed neither for generation that has an unpredictable production schedule or loads like EV chargers that may create huge shot term overloads in unpredictable locations and points of time. It becomes not only very costly but also unreliable the factor – high load and production volatility, climate change and political and social instability can trigger a chain reaction of blackout and make the existing architecture vulnerable.

The microgrid is controlled and dispatched as a single entity by an AE based algorithm that makes all equipment perform at minimal energy consumption, cost and carbon footprint. There is an internal commercial dispatch algorithm that chooses operating modes of each piece of equipment. Trading with other counterparties in the grid is done according to existing market rules.
According to our concept a digital twin of the micropower system is being used to
  • Determine the achievable minimal power consumption of the microgrid
  • Determine the optimal mode of operations of the equipment
  • Perform model-predictive control of the microgrid
  • Estimate and verify the results of the optimization
  • Evaluate and propose investments in further optimization, more on-site generation storage etc.


  • IoT Equipment control, sensors
  • Power loads, DR, emissions
  • Big Data
  • Analysis/visualization

Microgrid generation and energy flow control

Smart Energy Storage

Mesh optimization: Digital Twin + Machine Learning

  • IoT-based, end device microgrid model predictive control, energy mgt & DR based on digital twin
  • Agnostic smart thing mesh connection
  • Two-level optimization: AI-enabled real-time control + insights for structural efficiency investments

  • Flexible flows among independent sources: Renewables integration & lower connection costs
  • Smart allocation of storage & DR among applications
  • Aggregation of small-scale distributed resources



Eventually under the new model centralized power sources are primarily used for baseload power since this allows to both increase their efficiency and minimize the cost of the high voltage grid.
Microgrids provide peak balancing reserve power they require minimal backup and redundancy from the grid. They can trade power resources and services with each other.


Energy is THE most capital-intensive industry in the world. Uberization can bring the net capital cost of energy equipment to 0.
Microgrids take advantage of multipurpose use of resources. For example, back up source UPS can be also used as energy storage and sell the storage capacity to other microgrid customers or to the grid when the backup is not needed. Therefor the capital net cost of the battery storage is difference between the cost of battery storage and UPS in many case the net capital costs of such multipurpose resources can be zero.
The microgrid elements can serve for other purposes than energy only – controllers, sensors can provide other valuable services to the customers such as predictive maintenance, climate control, control of frozen food storage quality etc. Therefore, the net capital cost of many microgrid elements can also be zero.
In order to take maximum advantage of the net zero capital cost a trading system is set up that allows to use owners of the devices to trade their resources.
The other opportunity is to have multiple users finance and share the same resource.
Blockchain technology and tokens supports the registers of ownership for the resources and the transactions to minimize transaction cost.

Energy company of the future

Virtual storage + storage reserves aggregation

Compensation of solar power fluctuations

Purchase Power Agreement

Microgrid + Solar


Carbon emission measurement and verification is an important part of the smart microgrid operation. Since the microgrid can monitor and measure energy consumption of most of the equipment and the digital twin can help perform what if analysis – the accuracy of verifying the carbon footprint and results of projects designed for its reduction is high. The accuracy can further be improved by adding direct measurements of CO2 emissions.


The efficiency of uberization and multipurpose use of the microgrid resources can be further enhances if value is assigned to services that are difficult to evaluate and measure in conventional ways. Here are a few examples
Predictive maintenance increases the useful life of equipment
Refrigerator food quality can be improved and controlled my monitoring and controlling refrigerators and handling of food
Research shows that performance at school improves if air quality is maintained at certain levels
The life of pieces of art kept at museums can be prolonged if air temperature, humidity, air quality is maintained at required levels

The same sensors that are used to optimize power demand can perform the tasks listed above. A measurement system that calculates and index and uses the blockchain technology allows to monetize the value created by monitoring and controlling the factors described above.


Many energy applications can be combined with marketing data acquisitions - EV charging can be accompanied by smart advertising and routing customers or retaining them at shopping mall restaurants hotels etc. Energy data can also be used to obtain marketing data.


EV charging is a gamechanger in the automobile energy sales market. The current gas station model is no longer sustainable with EVs.
A gas station may be built and operated in strictly limited locations. EV charging can be performed anywhere where power is available
EV charging is slower than gas charging so customers should be occupied during charging. This makes charging attractive at location where people stop for other purposes than charging – shopping, having lunch etc. So, if currently gas station is earning revenues by providing catering and shopping in the EV realm retailers will use EV charring to attract customers.
EV charging requires high reserve capacity so retailers who want to add chargers will have to manage their peak loads. The most efficient way of doing this is operating the smart microgrid. V2G technology also can allow to use energy stored in cars as a mean of payment.


The electric grid in its current technological state of development is not designed to support flexible energy flow dispatch especially at the low voltage level. For example, if we take an office building and look at its electrical diagram, we will find out that we have not one but at least 6 independents microgrids – typically there are two independent feeders supplying the building – two feeders are required for reliability of power supply. Each feeder has three phases while many devices are power by a single phase. So, if we now attach solar PV to such a building, we need to decide how much power will we supply to each feeder and each phase. So, for example on a sunny day supply from solar PV to one feeder can exceed the demand of the building while on the other feeder there will be deficit of power so we will have power flows both from the grid and to the grid at the same building. The same things can happen if phase loads are not balanced.
This situation is undesirable since it increases the cost of the grid interconnectors, losses and decreases the overall efficiency and stability of the system.
A similar situation occurs with other resources – we need two energy storage devices instead of one to support each feeder, and if many EVs are being charged from one feeder it can become overloaded and fail even though the second feeder has reserves capacity.
An energy router is a device that allows to dispatch energy by implementing a DC connection between independent feeders and balance the phase loads. Energy storage can be connected to the DC bus, so the device now serves also as a battery storage. Other DC devices i.e., EV charges and solar PVs can be connected directly via a DC/DC transformer to the DC buss.

  • The IoE distributed energy operations and ownership microgrid morel has high very high synergy with Web3.
  • Web3 Blockchain technology support the ownership and market model for IoE
  • IoE microgrids servers support Web3 model and applications
  • Both distributed models together give a combination of security of energy supply and internet access

Enterprise funding for "OpCo" platform and solution development

Equity Token from institutional investors (few significant transactions)

Keep OpCo separate from projects and trading

Utility coins for each Smart City project

Project funding — Collateralized lending protocol (NFTs)
Ecosystem currency — Utility Token for energy users, service providers
Trading offsets — uncollaterallize d lending protocol... value paid today for credits generated in future
Platform for tokenising other businesses in city

Project Specific Option: Microgrid sensor/grid communication network

LoRaWAN protocol gateways enabling wireless decentralised network owned by community

The EnZu EnRoute IoE platform consists of all key elements that allow to perform the transition the new IoE energy architecture
  • A hardware vendor-agnostic IoT platform to monitor and control demand-side, energy storage, grid and generation energy devices, collect, store visual and analyze data
  • A digital twin factory to model, optimize and verify microgrid performance
  • The Energy Droid AE software for control and optimization
  • The Energy Router with incorporated energy storage
EnZu has developed and tested an Energy as a Service business model for microgrid development based on the developed platform.

All rights reserved



Anything, anywhere


Energy Management

Grid connection


Agnostic offer

Scalability/ modularity

Renewables integration

Smart Microgrid control

Behind-the-meter energy mgt & DR

Grid connection mgt

Smart Storage Control

Storage & DR aggregation/VPP

EnZu Energie Zukunft GmbH

+49 302 061 6200
Friedrichstr, 95
10117 Berlin

Office in Dubai

Tel. +1 847 323 8651

Office in Europe

Tel. +39 331 782 8481